About Me

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I was born and raised in Los Angeles. I always had a twisted sense of humor. Uhh, I don't know what else to write...oh I operate this blog by myself and make all the material so please don't reuse it without my consent :)


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Captain Obvious

Whenever I say something very obvious, my friend, Alberto, usually says something like this:

Me: "Oh lordy it is hot today!"

Alberto: "Thanks, Captain Obvious."

Or maybe something like...

Me: "Alberto! You just ate that entire banana in one bite!"

Alberto: "Thanks, Captain Obvious."

It's little things like these that totally kill my buzz. So, instead of letting it get to the better of me, I just imagine Alberto looks up to me so much that I am like some kind of superhero or something. Then I have a daydream about it. However, whenever I play out a scenario like this in my head, it never really works.

Here is a comic inspired by this.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hahaha this is really funny (: WTF why is my name jennifer the book extraordinare ... :l
