About Me

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I was born and raised in Los Angeles. I always had a twisted sense of humor. Uhh, I don't know what else to write...oh I operate this blog by myself and make all the material so please don't reuse it without my consent :)


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Disturbing Comic Day!

Well hello people, I'd like to introduce you to Disturbing Comic Day! A monthly dose of nausea inducing filth!
I know I haven't made a comic in a while, mostly due to the fact that nobody was looking at this godforsaken blog anymore. I would say that is mostly because my comics have been becoming increasingly morbid. Morbid = less thought. Less thought = less work. Less work = lower quality. (Someone should give me a fucking medal)
I know I should put more time and effort into these stupid comics because they don't even make sense anymore. They aren't even funny anymore, and I realize this.
So what's a better way to restart the Meatsauce than with Disturbing Comic Day? Nothing! This way I'll be able to vent my psychotic rage for only one day a month while still giving you quality comics for the rest of the time. Yay!

Better comic coming up soon! (By the way, if you want me to be motivated to actually make good comics, it would help a lot if you steered your stupid ugly friends to this website. Thanks!)

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